Transsphenoidal Surgery booked

Excellent news!

Lots of things have been happening lately, and I’ve only just got around to writing about it.

The big thing is that I’ve got a date of my transsphenoidal surgery that will hopefully improve my acromegaly, and possibly even “cure” me.

(I use the word “cure” in quotes, as the real term is remission.)

The surgery date I have is Tuesday 9th February 2009.

My wife and I met the surgeon. We were quite nervous to meet him, but he very soon put us at ease. He explained the procedure to us in detail and answered all our questions. He took an interest in how I was originally diagnosed and the symptoms I had at that time, and also took time to discuss the treatment that I’d been receiving up to this point. He’s a very nice chap, and I’m happy to put my life in his (steady) hands. Oh, and yes, they are very steady (my wife made a special point of looking!).